Kinematic knits

The conventional boundaries of textiles are positioned as a captivating set of kinematic forms that come to life. This collection features three distinct shapes—a linear structure, a circular form, and an S-shaped configuration—each hosting a knitted textile that gracefully stretches and collapses, orchestrating a dance of equilibrium and tension.

The linear scissor structure, characterized by its straightforward geometry, forms the canvas for a knitted textile that extends and contracts along its length. At rest, the textile finds an equilibrium, holding the scissor structure in a state of open tension. This equilibrium, reminiscent of tensegrity principles, creates an intriguing visual composition where the textile plays a role in stabilizing the sticks in their dynamic arrangement. It is dyed bright green with Limeade Kool-aid.

The circular scissor structure angled wood sticks to create the circular scissor form, offering a different dynamic display of expansion and contraction. In its resting state, the circular knit textile finds a captivating balance, contributing to the overall equilibrium that maintains the circular structure in a harmonious tension. The interplay of form and fabric invites viewers into a playful exploration of shape and color. The blue color is from Blue Raspberry Kool-Aid.

The S-shaped scissor structure introduces elements offsetting the center point of the scissor point to create an arc. The textile gracefully navigates the curves and bends with its form. In repose, the S-shaped structure maintains a dynamic, wherein the knitted textile interacts with the undulating form to create an engaging visual dialogue. The use of elastic yarn ensures a responsive and adaptable quality, further emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between material and structure. The bright red color is from Strawberry Kool-Aid used to dye the knit material.

The structures hang still on the wall during the exhibition, but QR codes lead viewers to links where they can see the structures in action.

In essence, this collection of kinematic knits invites viewers to engage with the dynamic relationships between elastic yarn, scissor structures, and bold colors. The resting positions of these textiles, carefully crafted to achieve equilibrium and tension, offer a moment of pause within the kinetic energy of the structures. Through this innovative fusion of material, form, and color, the knits become more than static pieces; they become dynamic expressions of playfulness, intrigue, and visual delight.


Project details:

  • Exhibited at Hanbury Architecture in Richmond VA

  • PROJECT STARTED: January 2024

  • COMPLETED ON: February 2024

  • CATEGORY: Installation

  • MATERIALS: Knitted Elastic Yarns, Kool-Aid, Wood, bolts

  • DIMENSIONS: 4’ x 6’ x 3’


Scissor Grids